It’s really important that we give our brains, our minds and our bodies a break from the constant rush and to just simply relax. The energy you’ll gain will be a lot more creative and efficient to keep managing your life and maybe raising your business to where you want it to be.
You don’t need to have some idyllic holidays, though that may absolutely help. All you need is to RELAX YOUR BRAIN.
For me, I use regular meditation and mindfulness to help me keep the mind decluttered and the brain at ease through the busyness of my days.
But when it comes to my favourite weekend joys, and since I’m not much of party girl, I love to:
+…And who knows, if I have company for it, maybe a glass of wine (but only with good company, otherwise all I get is usually a headache no matter how good the wine is! I need to speak my wine out! haha)
If you'd like some inspiration for a relaxing time check out the different guided meditations I prepared for you. Enjoy!