A psychologist's approach to

changing your experience by shifting your narrative.

The power of perspective can influence your decisions, motivations, actions, and ultimately, what you get from life. How do you tell your story?

GAIN INSPIRATION AND navigate a new experience

simply and FOREVER.

Psychological transformation doesn't always have to be hard or take a long time.
It's possible to shift from feeling drained and dulled to being clearheaded about the way of things, and even inspired by the possibilities, without spending years in therapy.

Sometimes all it takes is an aha moment to start seeing and living life differently. When we begin to look at our life from the perspective of the stories we tell, we gain a powerful new insight into what we might be holding on to that's been holding us back. And, in the same way, when we can create a new story about ourselves and our life, we can gain a renewed strength to face our challenges differently.

This is the power of cognitive-behavioural therapy combined with narrative therapy. This is what the New Inner Stories is all about. To help you discover your inner narratives and give you the guidance to change those into new, empowered stories to heal and transform your life. 

Science and spirituality combined on 

A unique approach to inner work

I have dedicated all my life to happiness. From high-level university studies to alternative spiritual practices, my life is a series of experiments that aim at understanding and practising that which creates a life experience of self-fulfilment and satisfaction.
My base education is in Clinical and Counselling Psychology because from an early age, I knew it was my life's purpose to help others live a better life by understanding their mind and their power.

Here's a summary of some of the most relevant experiences that contribute to my way of working today.

University studies

When I became a clinical and counselling psychologist, my main focus was depression. Later, I specialised on cognitive neuroscience applied to positive psychology, where the main focus was well being and happiness. Then, as hands-on tools, I turned to narrative and cognitive-behavioural therapy. 

Meditation and yoga

Have you ever spent 10 days in silence? I have. And loved it so much, I repeated it several times. I'm talking about Vipassana meditation retreats

Being unafraid of repetition, Ashtanga yoga was my physical jam.

 Today I'm a little more flexible. 

Life authoring

Sometimes it's time to decide to provoke big life changes. For me, it was a leap of fun and faith to pack my bags and move to a new country. From South to North, Portugal to Sweden, to follow my dreams of living in an exotic location. Exotic for a Portuguese, that is. 

Leadership consultancy

A.K.A. The Airport Life.  Travelling around the world on a suit, acting as a consultant for global Scandinavian companies. Mainly delivering programs on neuroleadership and communication, or coaching

Online coaching

Allowed me to make connections worldwide. It's beautiful how our hearts all beat the same. And nothing gets me happier than knowing that someone across the globe is living a little happier because our lives one day crossed on this virtual space.

psychedelic research

I believe anyone with a strong interested in the workings of consciousness would benefit from a well-guided experience with psychedelics. It's a colourful and fascinating topic. 

Accredited member of

I feel so fortunate to have found Ana. Her formal education in psychology paired with her spiritual practice and beliefs make her unique in the field of personal growth and development.”

Larissa Davis Digital entrepreneur & Artist

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"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." 

- George Bernard Shaw 

Here's a glimpse of some of My Stories

A story about body weight

I have experienced feelings of desperation from a very young age. When I was a little girl, I was accepted into what is considered one of the best dance school in the country. I lived and breathed dance every day. Until they warned me that either I would lose weight or I would have to leave the school because I was overweighed for a classical dancer (even if my weight was within normal standards). This situation sent me into a downward spiral of multiple diets, low self-esteem, and deep depression. I became familiar with the feeling of not wanting to live too soon.

The inner story here was that if I was unworthy of becoming a ballerina, I was unworthy of fulfilling my dreams.

A story about life choices

Soon after I lost that battle, I started playing bass in different bands and experienced a whole other kind of stage thrill. During that time, I had a lot of fun playing all over Portugal, including festivals and TV shows. But one day, I had to make a decision. Either to keep playing or to invest in developing my psychology studies abroad. I chose psychology and flew to the oldest and most prestigious university in Scandinavia: Uppsala University. There, I worked side-by-side with one of the greatest teachers I ever had and wrote the final thesis for my degree, on the subject of depression.

The inner story then was that there is no single road to life fulfilment. Depending on my courage to make choices, there are multiple different experiences worth living.

A story about dream building

In love with the experience of living in Sweden, a few years later, I returned, intending to try to establish myself for a while. I deepened my studies in positive psychology and consciousness with a specialisation in cognitive neuroscience. While at the same time, I started teaching yoga and pilates, and I began to learn more about building a coaching business. After some time, I opened a small yoga studio in Stockholm and had my first clients online and offline.

The inner story then was that I had the power to create my reality, and my dreams were worth the long-term effort. 

A story about maintaining a healthy mental state throughout time

Over the years, I have continued to deepen my interest in different forms of mental well being. Since I started to put my knowledge to practice, I can happily say that I have never seen myself fall into depression, stress, or anxiety again. (Not the occasional bad days, those are still around and will always be. I'm talking about impairing, diagnosed conditions).

The inner story here was that my mental state isn't something autonomous. I have a powerful influence on how I feel. 

A story about unexpected life's turns

Some years ago, I felt like I wasn't living my fullest potential, and I wanted to explore what would life look like in a 9-to-5 job as a psychologist. So I got hired as a leadership consultant in Stockholm, acting mainly as an organisational psychologist. To my surprise, given the preconceived ideas about 9-to-5 jobs, this job took me all over the world doing something fun. While I didn't think it was a sustainable kind of work rhythm for me, I was inspired by the personal growth that I gained from it.

Here, the inner story was that all experiences, comfortable or otherwise, have the potential for personal growth.

Today, as I'm back in Portugal during the pandemic, I feel like I've been given a golden opportunity to rethink life, again. I spend most of my time indulging in creativity or contemplation. And of course, taking long walks with my beloved dog Valentina.

In the midsts of all the chaos and uncertainty, my life still feels aligned with my deepest values:

authenticity ◦ balance ◦ Curiosity ◦ growth

I believe that no matter what you do, if you want to be inspired you must find meaning. And I believe this is also the basis of a happy life. When we apply our creative energy to a higher cause, we feel naturally good and uplifted by the progress to our efforts. 

This is why I created the New Inner Stories project. To channel my energy to the spreading of psychological education, and inspire people to find meaning and happiness.

Psychological relief and a healthy mind don't have to be a challenging goal to achieve. Sometimes all you need is a powerful conversation that helps you to see things differently. Or a moment to learn what clouds are covering your mind and how you can make the sun shine a little warmer.

If you love life, but you don't love the life you're living, I'm happy we met. I think you'll appreciate what I have prepared for you. 

Let me help you to simplify your story.

Let's write a new, happier one.

Ana Batista

I'm a licensed psychologist with a diverse background that combines science, spirituality, and different practical approaches to well-being. Having struggled with mental illness myself, I have experienced firsthand the benefits of these approaches.

You probably know this, but I'd like to remind you: the quality of your life depends on the quality of your mind

And every life deserves to be lived with joy and harmony. 

Let me show you how.

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