Allowing negative and often extreme words into your mind, and the correspondent feelings to grow in you will only weaken your ability to look at situations objectively. When in fact, perhaps you weren’t even that much in love with your partner, or the grade or promotion aren’t that much of a big deal. If you pay
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How many times have you told yourself you’re not supposed to feel the way you feel? Or you faked a smile to hide away your sadness, pushed yourself to feel good, and ended up feeling even worse? We live in a society that often assumes that we have everything to feel satisfied and happy. And that
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If you don’t feel embarrassed about wanting to spend more time with your family, wishing to gift your friends or help that charity you’re so passionate about, then why would you feel ashamed about wanting more money?Money is the energy that allows you to experience those and many other experiences that you’d like to go
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Having to deal with uncertainty can be a huge source of anxiety and stress. But on the other hand, while it brings peace of mind to know what’s happening next (like having a fixed pay check), and having a weekly schedule is better for your productivity than waiting for the inspiration to come to get
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