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I didn't include it on the list, but another thing you can do is to write a list about the things you can do when you're bored. :)

  1. Take a walk outside.
  2. Write down on your journal.
  3. Find and cook a new recipe.
  4. Declutter your inbox.
  5. Practice your hair braiding skills.
  6. Make a plan for your next weekend.
  7. Plan your next trip.
  8. Book a new class.
  9. Do the laundry.
  10. Download a meditation app and sit in silence.
  11. Take photographs.
  12. Make a vision board.
  13. Drink a full glass of water.
  14. Figure out a way to make more money.
  15. Update your computer, phone or tablet.
  16. Grab a book and read.
  17. Do some yoga.
  18. Watch a TED talk.
  19. Find a new podcast to listen to.
  20. Write a thank you note.
  21. Spend some time on a garden.
  22. Plant some seeds.
  23. Search for events in your area.
  24. Listen to a new album.
  25. Start a blog.
  26. Take a power nap.
  27. Write to someone you admire.
  28. Take a bubble bath.
  29. Put on fresh bed linen.
  30. Play an instrument.
  31. Feed the birds.
  32. Brush out the cat / dog / yourself.
  33. Spend a whole minute looking at the sky.
  34. Reach out to a friend and make a plan to meet.
  35. Vacuum clean your place.
  36. Declutter your desktop.
  37. Find and listen to some old songs you love.
  38. Decide on starting some small DIY project.
  39. Choose some clothes to give away.
  40. Get some flowers.
  41. Check out for some volunteering opportunities.
  42. Sort out the recycling.
  43. Make some kombucha.
  44. Burn some incense.
  45. Clean your jewellery.
  46. Write about your dreams and goals.
  47. Apply a cleansing face mask.
  48. Watch a movie.
  49. Make a list of things you’re grateful for.
  50. Research on tattoo design.
  51. Write a list about the things you can do when you're bored.

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About the author

Ana Batista is a psychologist focused on making change easy. Besides therapy, she teaches online courses and workshops on positive psychology, brain science, and self-authoring. 


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